2012-01-12 Thu

' Archaeology in Asuka 2011: Results of Excavations carried out in 2011 '
2012 January 20 (Friday) 〜February 26 (Sunday)
*Closed on Mondays
At the Special Exhibition Room in Asuka Museum
Entrance fee Adults: 260 yen Collage students: 130 yen
High school students and under18: free
Along with the results of archaeological excavations in Asuka area, we introduce the achievements in the field of scietific technic assisting the archaeological study.
During the excavation of Kegoshizuka Kofun, the researchers found an annexed burial mound with a specific stone crypt. It was named Koshitsukagomon Kofun and certain theory has it that it was the tomb of princes Ota, the daugher of Empress Saimei. Discovery of the annexes mound seems to provide another evidence to support the view that Kengoshizuka was the burial place of Empress Saimeio.
In the spring of 2011, the remote area of Asuka, including rice fields on the steep slope of Inabuchi,was designated to the first important culturai senery in Nara prefecture. We would like to explain the concept of the cultural scenery, a sort of cultural properties that is not kept in the museum exhibition rooms.
Main exhibits
Archaeological artifacts from Kegoshizuka Kofun
Archaeological artifacts from Koshitukagomon Kofun
Ceremonial deposits from Sakata-dera Temple
Potteries excavated from ancient Asuka Capital
Potteries excavated in the Amakashokai-east site
Photo panels of rice fields on the slope of inner Asuka
[AD]産地直送販売 生食用の天然岩牡蛎(いわがき)。日本海鳥取産の岩ガキは夏に食べます。
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